Gymnosperm Stem Pinus Silvestris

Gymnosperm Stem Pinus Silvestris

Gymnosperm Stem Pinus Silvestris

a. Kidneys- Kidneys are two bean shaped organs lying close to the 

lumbar spine on either side, they are multifunction organ, form urine and control its 


b. Ureters- Two hollow muscular tubes one arising from each kidney and ending at the urinary 

bladder, connect kidneys to the bladder

c. Urinary- Bladder-Stores urine before it is excreted from the body, hollow muscular and 

distensible organ, sits on the pelvic floor.

d. Urethra- Atube connecting the urinaly bladder to the genitals for excretion

Functions-Excretion of nitrogenous wastes, Osmoregulation, Acid-Base balance

Cat. No.