Lymphatic System

Lymphatic System

Lymphatic System

1. Lymph vessels- Carry lymph from tissue spaces to the venous 
system, starts blindly as lymph capillaries in tissue spaces, their walls are 
permeable to substances of much greater size
2. Central Lymphoid Tissues
a. Bone Marrow-Produces all pluripotent lymphoid cells (in adults), helps in differentiation of 
b. Thymus-Helps in differentiation of T-Lymphocytes
3. Peripheral Lymphoid Organs
a. Lymph node- Small nodules of lymphoid tissue found in the course of smaller lymph 
vessels, purify the lymph from harmful agents
b. Spleen-Removes old blood cells from circulating pool, Keeps a reserve of blood for 
emergency, Synthesizes antibodies
c. Epithelio-lymphoid tissues-Lymphoid nodules in places like alimentary canal and 
respiratory tracts, Works as a security check agains all the incoming agents.
4. Lymphocytes- Mature B- and T-Lymphocytes circulating in blood, protects the body 
against any infectious agent that enters the blood
Functions- Removal of particulate matter, Production of lymphocytes, Generation of immune 
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