Melde’s Vibrating String experiment is an elegant way to introduce students to the concept of standing waves.The apparatus consists of a string and an oscillatorto generate different frequencies. Melde’s experiment is ideal to study the behavior of standing waves.Students can even visuallydeterminewavelength,period and amplitude ofwaves. A string undergoing transverse vibration illustrates many features common to all vibrating
acoustic systems just like the vibrations of a violin or guitar string. To adjust the tension of the
string, various amounts of mass can be placed in the tray that hangs off the side of a table or
lab bench with the use of the included pulley. In this experiment the change in frequency
produced when the tension is increased in the string – similar to the change in pitch when a
guitar string is tuned – can be measured.
Requires 6 V, 50 Hz power source, supplied to Melde’s apparatus via 4mm plug leads.
Cat. No. | ||
3070.2008.01 |