Female Reproductive System

Female Reproductive System

Female Reproductive System

1. Internal Parts

a. Uterus-Major female reproductive organ, one end called cervix opens into vagina and 

other end is connected to the fallopian tubes, Development of fetus occurs within uterus

b. Ovaries- Two in number, Egg producing female reproductive organ, oval in shape and 

ovary of each side is locatd in the ovarian fossa of corresponding side of pelvis

2. External Parts

a. External genital organ of females, contains the opening of vagina

b. Labia-Structures of skin and adipose tissue that extends on both sides of vulva

c. Clitoris- Button like portion near the labia minora, erects on sexual arousement

Functions- Recieve the sperms from male reproductive system, Bear the developin fetus 

through the entire period of gestation

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